Cut & Carry Bouquets is a small flower farm in Hillsborough NC. We have over 12-years of experience growing flowers and creating floral bouquets. This year we have a wide variety of flowers available for customers interested in purchasing flowers for Mother’s Day and graduation celebrations, etc. We are offering small and large arrangements in vases. We also have economical flower bouquets in buckets and in tennis ball cans.
The photos approximate the size of a flower grouping but do not show the the flower selection. We will select a beautiful combination of flowers with complimentary colors and textures for your order. Price List:
Large Arrangement in Vase $40+
Small Arrangement in Vase $25
Large Bouquet in White Bucket $30
Small Bouquet in Tennis Ball Can $20
Kid's Wildflower Bouquet in Tennis Ball Can $15
Peonies, 3 stems $10
Additional peonies or roses ($3/stem) can be added to the arrangements or bouquets.
Orders will be accepted up to TUESDAY, May 7th.
To Order, email [email protected] and tell us what flowers you want to purchase or if you need additional information. The flowers will be available for pickup at our flower farm in Hillsborough Friday May 10th 4-7 pm and Saturday May 11th 10 am -noon. Flowers that are reserved will be held for one hour. We will move the flowers into our garage if it rains.
We prefer to receive payment in cash but will accept credit cards and personal checks from those living in the area. Please bring a box to transport your flowers and let us know if you plan to stop by Friday evening or Saturday morning.
Select a flower photo to see its price and label.